Sunday, August 4, 2013

Vacation Paradise -Pisa and wine tasting in Tuscany Day 7 July 31 2013


I'm exhausted ..but having the time of my life .. I will say unless you can handle all the walking , lack of sleep and hot as hades weather ... The number of tours I've completed is a tough and I can't wait to sleep poolside Saturday ..the only day of to sea .

Anyway.. This particular tour is walking 1.5 miles as the bus drop is not close to wear the leaning Tower is .

What struck me most was the condos that are right across the street from the Leaning Tower of Pisa and not at all what I thought it would look like. As bestie says old and new ...

On the ride to Pisa we learn that marble and alabaster is made and sold all over the world here..we see a gazillion sunflowers and learn sunflower oil and EVOO ( extra virgin olive oil) are produced in abundance here.

The field of miracles as its called has several other structures ..the leaning Tower of Pisa is really a Bell Tower and the church is also beautiful . It was hella hot .. No humidity just dry and hot. Did I mention everything is in Celsius? America is one of the only countries using Farenheit I think .. Who the hell knows how to convert degrees ?? I swear it's the thing I forgot to look up as I was more concerned with currency conversion rates ... We think it was in the 90's we think ...

No I didn't take a pic trying to look like I'm holding up the tower (Pisa) was just too many darn folk trying to do the same thing . Did you know Pisa is also a city ? Well it is ....

After taking lots of pics .. We had a bathroom stop .. What's Interesting is the lack of public Toilettes so our tour guide has us use the restaurant and we proceeded to shop, eat and have free wi-fi! So there we sat ..

Our next stop was to a wine vineyard .. And what an afternoon ! The local wine is produced and used to be drank by priests . It's called Vino Santo. Our tour took us inside a wine cellar ..and I suppose where I got bit by something .. Grrrr...

But the tasting was excellent ! While there was 4 tastes.. Folks were drinking as much as they could ! Italian Cappacolla and cheese was fab!

At the end of the tour we were exhausted but headed for food as the pizza , bruschetta and expresso has long worn off!

Tonight is our speciality restaurant night and we have picked up a table mate named Surrey from Norway who is traveling by herself .

She is nice and turns out her bday is the same as my sister . So she then became our dinner companion.

My poor legs are exhausted so to the hot tub I go even though it's midnight and have to get up at 6?? This vacation is making me tired .

Yay! I figured out how to add the pics!

Next stop Roma!


Sent from my iPhone

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