Monday, April 18, 2011

What is Pampering?

So what is Pampering? Why do it? IMHO (in my humble opinion) pampering is simply taking care of oneself. Funny how many think this can lead to (or is the same as) being spoiled ( it can) , high maintenance (it can), or conceited (it can). However, I'm not talking about the over indulgences that the image of pampering  creates...I'm talking about the things that some of us choose to do to make us feel better.  The reality is however that all women can indulge and pamper themselves ( or have someone else do it!) 

A word on pampering for men...or the men in the women's lives that are reading want and need to be pampered too. That means everything  I write is applicable to men? Women take notice!

I titled my blog The Pampered Princess because I do love to be pampered, and I don't necessarily wait for someone to pamper me.

My motto is "Do You".However the method - creating work/life balance is about finding what is right for you.

So some basic tenants of  The Pampered Princess:

1. To thine own self be true. Simply put - find out what really makes you happy. If it's reading...crave some time out for yourself and read that book you been meaning to read.

2. Pampering doesn't always have to cost money. One of my favorite ways to pamper myself is a hot steamy bath, scented candles and music.Think of inexpensive ways to pamper yourself while you save for the ultimate pamper party.

3. Pamper by yourself and in groups. Ok this may seem contradictory but sometimes the best was to pamper oneself is to be by oneself.  Crave out the "me" by prioritizing and making lists and include in you lists some "me" time.

 4. One last note on being true to oneself...if you are in a job or career you do not like or has run it's course ....this is the ultimate stressor and you may find yourself applying many of the tools offered in an effort to find balance. I highly recommend analyzing the "fit" of that job....

More later.....

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