It's been a minute since my last entry and there is no review here but rather some practical advice for all those who are always on the go. I'm away at a business conference in the DMV area (DC,Maryland,and Virginia) for those who don't know, and have spent some quality time by myself. However I had dinner with an old high school classmate who I haven't seen since high school. I was reminded simply to just "be" which is often difficult for some to do. (yeah including me..)
I was reminded that it really is the simply things in life that bring us joy. So my lesson tonight was to simply "be". I wonder how often do we actually do this? In your quest to be pampered.. Stop and just "be". I know your thinking.. Who has time for that??
To truly pamper oneself really starts with allowing yourself to do you. Do what you love..what makes you happy. I was reminded just during casual conversation why I do what I do. Always grinding means it's easy to forget to be grateful, thoughtful, spontaneous and appreciative. I left dinner thinking there are some who don't have friends and I realize I treasure all mine.
Whatever you do.. Learn to Just "be".
Spa updates next time!